Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tom turned 18!!!

On a dull tuesday morning of 2000, Tom was born sleeping well in his bed even after the sun graces that part of the world with its sunlight. Day dreaming, in indian mythology, isnt considered as a good thing but this new born kid is quite casual about it. Tom thought today is the day he is going to be liberated. Liberated from the noose of Parents . Liberated from the rather insulting word 'Minor'. Now legally he is entitled to ask his share of property from his dad. Legally he is entitled to do whatever he wants( read smoking, drinking, watch movies etc). Legally ready to choose his own higher studies, profession, job, cast vote or elope with the girl next door in a Harley Davidson bike and get spliced :D

"Screw you, sonny!!. For that you've got to have your license. Get up, its time to give your test for getting your license" shouts his father disturbing his dream and hence sleep.

And huh!!. Its August 8 and Damn Tom turned 18!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

About me.

Well, Just another silly soul to the world of blogging. In all my last two years, I have always thought of starting this and suddenly(crazy it is) I sat under a peepal tree today morning and I am here saying my 'hello' to the world of bloggers.

About me. Nothing special. Given the nature of blogs I intend to share with you folks, I dont want to give out my name nor will I share the names of the persons involved in my blog. But I think I can share other things about myself. I am from a place called Tirunelveli, a humble town down south of Tamilnadu, India. Thats right, the place famous in TN for making mouth watery Halwas. I was brought up in around Tamil Nadu and am currently put up in Bangalore. Details about my education will be followed in my blogs.

What to blog??. Though this appears to be a silly question, it took me nearly one week to find the answer. I am not a great reader - either sitting in front of computer or books or webpage , I dont like to read. Evidently I dont read other blogs to know what they are upto. Suddenly one day last week, I went a bit nostalgic thinking about my college days. As it could be with anybody else, so it was with me as well and I enjoyed those days to the fullest and have more pleasant memories than otherwise. My fickle memory betrayed its nature and brought up a point that I did write a diary those days but stopped when the days moved on. I pressed F5 in my brain. HUH! not once, but twice I tried my hand in it but dropped the habit. I do not want to give it a third try as I may even forget that I am writing one. But I do intend to have a log of my past so that I can have a look and grin at "what I was". As I am one among those folks who can eat, drink and sleep with internet if there are sufficient provisions , "JUST BLOG IT, MATE" said my memory. And I got enlightened.

Right Fellas!. I am going to share my life from the age of 18 with you, as, I believe, only the years after form the crux of the metastasis of a human being. For the convenience of myself and readers, I have pieced it into four stages - Tom, Dick, Harry and finally myself. Yes, Now you must have got the reason for the name of my blog. In retrospect, only the first three stages significantly had an impact on the fourth stage - myself - and hence I have decided to blog only those. Now again, what all am going to share in those stages. One cant share ( and remember also) day to day activities, can he?. My answer is NO. I pondered about the same and I will be blogging about my life, ideals, friends, relatives, interests, acheivements (if any), joys, tribulations, the people I met, the places I had been to,the cultures I had seen, the lessons I had learnt so far and which/who had played a major role in the development of myself. In short, they were all judiciously culled from a big pool called "My life". I aint going to stop only with these things. One must always need some spice to make things tasty, isnt it?. And hence, apart from this, I am going to blog anything under sun which I feel deemed fit to make an entry here.

Who can read my blog?. Anybody who has a computer and internet connection can read it. But the people involved in my blog(or my life) will find it interesting. Also if the other topics I am going to discuss here is also your interest, then you are at the right place. If you believe sarcasm is a language then you will definitely enjoy my blogs than anybody, as anything I type these days is always coated with that wonderful attribute. Infact I have started loving(and sometimes envy) myself for the same. Your comments about anything( even a funny crack about something seriously said) is welcome.

Well with such a long note, I welcome you all to my little world. Welcome aboard and BON VOYAGE.